Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Connie Kaldor's Honey, Honey, Honey! A Song about a Bear and a Bee

This song NEVER fails to bring BIG smiles.
Honey, Honey, Honey by Connie Kaldor

Honey, Honey, Honey

A bear climbs a tree and makes a piece of toast.

He then demands ALL of the honey from a hard working bee.

What happens next?

The reason this song works so well is the simple chorus:

"HONEEEEEY! honey honey honey honey honey"

When I teach it to the kids, we learn this part first, throwing our hands wildly in the air with the first loud "HONEY!", and shaking them down with the five repeated honeys. They love it. We change the emotion of the chorus as the story progresses, and always over the top.

I also made magnets to tell the story: a bear, a piece of toast, a bee, and a jar of jam.

For copyright reasons, here is a link to the lyrics

AND, here is Connie's performance on Youtube!

Lyrics and Music by Connie Kaldor, available as a download through Amazon or other sources, but check out the whole album for other winning tunes.

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